The aim of this guide is to provide the quickest path possible towards passing the LFCS exam. The way you are evaluated in this exam is based on practical exercises, so that’s where I put the focus on with these guides.
If you are a newcomer to Linux, I beg you to not stop here, Operating Systems is an amazing subject. Its history is full of bright engineers who came up with clever solutions that you use on your day to day life. Take a full dive on other articles about the concepts these commands use here.
TO-DO: Re-arrange cards so they show on the same order than the modules listing
Service Management
Learning Goal Command Configure a caching DNS Server named dig Maintaining a DNS zone Configure email aliases Configure SSH servers and clients Restrict access to the HTTP proxy server Configure and IMAP and IMAPS service Manage the behavior of system services at various operating modes Configure an HTTP server Configure HTTP server log files Configure a database server Restrict access to a web page Manage and configure containers Manage and configure Virtual Machines
Essential Commands
Foreword The aim of this guide is to provide the quickest path possible towards passing the LFCS exam. The way you are evaluated in this exam is based on practical exercises, so that’s where I put the focus on with these guides.
If you are a newcomer to Linux, I beg you to not stop here, Operating Systems is an amazing subject. Its history is full of bright engineers who came up with clever solutions that you use on your day to day life.
Learning objectives Learning Goal Command Configure networking and hostname resolution ip nmcli hostnamectl nssitch.conf /etc/hosts /etc/resolv.conf FQDN Configure network services to start at boot NetworkManager nmcli /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts Implement packet filtering firewalld firewall-cmd /usr/lib/firewalld/services Start/stop/check status of network services NetworkManager network Statically route IP traffic ip route /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts route /etc/sysctl.conf Synchronize time using other network peers date timedatectl chronyd chronyc Extra commands that might come handy lsof nc Review questions Identify the ports that a specific process is using Print the routing table of the host TODO Make list prettier Make each item of the list a link to a different post Link to conceptual articles
Operation of Running Systems
Foreword The aim of this guide is to provide the quickest path possible towards passing the LFCS exam. The way you are evaluated in this exam is based on practical exercises, so that’s where I put the focus on with these guides.
If you are a newcomer to Linux, I beg you to not stop here, Operating Systems is an amazing subject. Its history is full of bright engineers who came up with clever solutions that you use on your day to day life.
Storage management
Foreword The aim of this guide is to provide the quickest path possible towards passing the LFCS exam. The way you are evaluated in this exam is based on practical exercises, so that’s where I put the focus on with these guides.
If you are a newcomer to Linux, I beg you to not stop here, Operating Systems is an amazing subject. Its history is full of bright engineers who came up with clever solutions that you use on your day to day life.
User and Group Management
Foreword The aim of this guide is to provide the quickest path possible towards passing the LFCS exam. The way you are evaluated in this exam is based on practical exercises, so that’s where I put the focus on with these guides.
If you are a newcomer to Linux, I beg you to not stop here, Operating Systems is an amazing subject. Its history is full of bright engineers who came up with clever solutions that you use on your day to day life.