
The aim of this guide is to provide the quickest path possible towards passing the CKA exam. The way you are evaluated in this exam is based on practical exercises, so that’s where I put the focus on with these guides.

If you are a newcomer to Containerization, I beg you to not stop here, Operation Systems is an amazing subject. Its history is full of bright engineers who came up with clever solutions that you use on your day to day life. Take a full dive on other articles about the concepts that k8s as a technology uses here.

Learning objectives

Learning GoalCommand
Perform deployments through rolling updates and rollbacks
Use ConfigMaps and Secrets to configure applications
Know how to scale applications
Create robust, self-healing application deployments
Understand how resource limits can affect Pod scheduling
Understand manifest management and templating tools

Review Questions



  • Make list prettier
  • Make each item of the list a link to a different post
  • Link to conceptual articles